Meathead is a Democrat: The American President

Richard Dreyfuss is boring with a capital “OR,” but otherwise this film is all set to move center stage next time the Democrats run out of material at a fundraiser. Power, romance…and no real sex scenes or else it’d be the perfect Bill Clinton...

Phenomenon: Welcome to Scientology!

Vinnie Barbarino gets hit by a flash of light and becomes the most intelligent auto mechanic ever. Flowers for Algernon II? You bet, Mr. Kotter. From dancer to gangster to Air Force pilot gone bad, actor John Travolta once again stretches himself, this time to become...

Claris Organizer 2.0: Forget Everything You Know

I can’t remember when I was so excited about a software product, and from now on I won’t have to. Contacts, tasks, appointments—soon I’ll be able to forget my own birthday because Organizer will handle all the memory chores. It even integrates well...