Joe came down yesterday to help us remodel our upstairs bathroom, and you’ll forgive me if I’m unrestrained in my thanks and praise for the work he’s done. In short, he’s accomplished brilliant stuff. My own contributions are more marginal since I have little clue about most tools or remodeling techniques, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step as they say, and it’s great to be traveling with somebody who’s been there before. A big thank you to Joe for all his efforts!

Despite two days of work, we’re not done, so we’ll be at it again next week. At the end of everything, the goal is to have a shower in the upstairs bathroom, with maybe some new fixtures and such if time and budget allow. (Yes, this will spell the end of the pink tub, toilet, and sink.) The upstairs shower is important since it will shave at least a couple minutes a day off of Erin’s morning rush to get ready for school in addition to being more modern and convenient. 

While we were working, Erin’s parents returned from the Portland stage of their Oregon trip, and Dave stopped by for a quick overnight visit. I don’t recall ever being so lucky in having this many friends drop by in such a short time frame. It makes me want to throw a slumber party.