Dave came up from Eugene yesterday. We moved all the stuff out of the nursery and took a trip to Sears so I could buy a Craftsman ratchet and socket set with which to disassemble and reassemble the bunk bed. The bunk took a little bit of work. It’s now back in one piece down in the family room. Dave slept on it last night, and since it didn’t collapse on him, I think we can say that it’s safe. Thanks for the testing, Dave!

Initially, Dave and I stopped work at 3 PM so that I could join Erin for her Week 30 doctor appointment. Everything is A-OK on the baby front. Kid’s banging around like a drummer, heartbeat is normal at 136 BPM, and everything’s looking good. Dr. Logan, the OB/GYN we saw last time as well, is very friendly, knowledgeable and (to the extent I can tell) competent. Dr. Bernard, who we’d seen in our first few visits and who we also liked, is unfortunately leaving Kaiser. We’ll meet with another of the three remaining OB/GYNs next visit. As you’d think, we’d like to at least have met everyone of the doctors who might deliver our kid.

After Erin and I returned home, Dave and I set about demolishing the interior of the exterior wall in the nursery. We got most of it finished before running out to Lowe’s and Sears to pick up a few supplies and then swinging by Papa John’s to grab a couple pizzas for dinner. After dinner it was basically clean-up time and then off to bed.

Unfortunately, the oncoming illness Dave felt yesterday arrived full force this morning, so he was compelled to cancel the rest of the visit and head for home and more bed rest. There’s something noble about a buddy who’s willing to help out a friend until he’s so falling over sick that he can’t help any more. Or am I confusing “nobility” with “goofiness” again? Either way, my thanks to Dave and best wishes for a speedy recovery.