Headlines News ain’t got nuthin’ on me.

Several of the stories we’re following here in the Davison Newsroom:

  • Gov. Gray Davis may be almost thoroughly unlikeable, but that’s not a legitimate basis for a recall. Arnold allegedly groped a number of women over the years. Does anyone out there believe he’s innocent of these charges? Me neither. Nonetheless, I wouldn’t be surprised if we have Gov. Terminator come Tuesday night, as sad a prospect as that is. Of course the next recall will start Wednesday morning.
  • Erin and I watched the rather lame comedy Undercover Brother over the weekend. If you’ve seen the trailer, you’ve seen the best bits of the movie, but there are a couple other moments that are OK. Don’t think it’s worth the 90 minutes, but your mileage may vary.
  • I’ve started working on crossword puzzles for morning mental exercise. I’ve not been doing them long enough to be much good, but I completed today’s, which is nice. Of course I hear Monday’s are the easiest, so that figures.
  • Congratulations to my friend Helana and her husband Mike on the birth of their son, Brett. 8 lbs. 2 oz. and cute as a button!
  • The trailers for Matrix Revolutions and Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King are out and lookin’ pretty fine. Of the two, I find myself more interested in the Rings conclusion, which is sort of strange since I’ve read the books and know how it ends. I’ll see both in the theatre, though.
  • Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean raised almost $15 million last quarter, tops in the field. Even with Clark in the fray, I like Dean’s chances. (Sen. Bob Graham of Florida, whose campaign never got any traction, quit the race today.)
  • Jonah’s only five months old, but already his clothing is in the 6-9 month range and has been for a couple of weeks. His bottom two front teeth are in, which means that he drools a lot and that you should not put anything in his mouth that you’re not prepared to lose. Those chompers are sharp!
  • This evening’s NFL game between the Colts and the Bucs was the craziest I’ve ever seen. The Colts trail by 21 with less than four minutes to go in regulation and then win by a field goal in OT. Even the field goal was wild. The Colts kick the first one and miss, but a Bucs guy gets called for leaping(!), an unsportsmanlike conduct foul that most us had never heard of. (The rules says, apparently, that you can’t run up, jump, and land on anybody.) The Colts kick it again, and it hits the upright and goes in. What a comeback, what a game.

More news after these commercial messages.