Garage light, more specifically, and there was. I spent the day helping Bernard install five T8 fluorescent fixtures into our garage, and although we’re only 60 percent of the way done, the difference is so striking as to be stunning. The way Erin puts it: “Even though you’ve only got 60 percent of it done, the garage now has the best lighting of anywhere in the house.” It’s funny because it’s true.
Liz has been decorating the play area downstairs and playing with the kids. Good times had by all. She’s also been re-designing the garage layout and has put forth several stellar ideas. I’m dedicated to getting the garage fixed up by the end of the year, and we’ve made some big strides forward with Bernard and Liz’ help.
Speaking of shedding light, our friends Jim and Terri have entered the blogosphere with their new website. Rock on!