The dual Christmas arrangement again worked out well this year. We celebrated with ye olde Davison clan on Dec. 23 here then took I-5 down to the Bay Area the next day and celebrated again on the 25th with the Lillys. Both X-mases were terrific as was the drive down. The Odyssey performed wonderfully, and the kids were only whiny toward the very end when, frankly, they had every right to be.
We didn’t get a chance to see everyone we’d hoped this time down, but with such a limited timeframe setbacks weren’t exactly a surprise. If we missed you, rest assured that we wish we hadn’t and that we’re looking forward to seeing you next summer.
Our most sincere thanks to everyone who thought of us this Christmas, who sent cards or presents, and who made our holiday season such a joyous one. To all of you, our warmest wishes for a wonderful 2007.