
Jillian deserves a bit of a mention here because business and family have curtailed my blogging. The girl is cruising–holding onto objects and walking about–and does a funny-looking, speedy little bear crawl like nobody’s business. She remains cute...

The long crawl

Jillian’s got her game on, and has at long last begun crawling forward. As you can imagine she is thrilled by this new ability. Erin and I are trying to convince her to use her powers only for good, never for evil. Time to start doing a much more thorough...

10 days old

Jillian continues to sleep, eat, poop, sleep, eat, poop. There’s a little crying mixed in there, too, but not much. She’s a pretty docile kid thus far. Erin, who gets up with her, has even managed a six hour stretch of sleep at one point. Last night it was...

Jillian Elizabeth Davison

Born 8:04 PM on June 15, 2007. 7.12 lbs., 19.5 inches, a full head of black hair. But let’s start earlier in the day. Erin had a medical appointment at 9:45 AM, where we learned that after several days of irregular contractions she was still only 3 CM dilated....