
It’s something. (Note that this may be beyond your ken if you’re not rather tech savvy.) How your computer can help combat coronavirus (for real)You can donate your computer’s processing power to help develop therapies for the...

Spotify on the way down

I don’t see how a service that punishes artists (not be mention pays them less) is going to survive in the long run.


At the time of Steve Jobs’ resignation as Apple’s CEO, it was the funniest story on the Internet: “New Apple CEO Tim Cook: ‘I’m Thinking Printers.'” It so perfectly mocked the fears Apple fans had that Cook would launch Apple off...

What Apple needs to do

In terms of market capitalization, Apple Inc. will likely be the largest company in the world by the end of the year. They have $97 billion in cash and no debt. Their share price is up over $100 in the last 5 months. They’re selling record numbers of iPhones,...

EFF Gets It Wrong

I like the Electronic Frontier Foundation generally. They’re sort of an online ACLU, and while they tend toward the strident, civil liberties in this day and age need that type of advocacy more than ever. I’ve supported them financially in the past, and I...

The Outlier

So one very interesting thing happened relating to my Macworld Expo follow-up piece: Namely, a few industry folks picked it up and regarded it with scorn. Some reasonably had a problem with my attendance numbers, one of which was based on my apparently faulty memory...