And one more thing

A minor mea culpa over yesterday’s post. I know you’ll understand. You’re cool. Yeah, look, I only forgot one thing when I said yesterday that life with Jonah has been surprisingly grand, and that is this: Life is grand only because our family and...

A week in the life

Not a lot of slumber for anyone other than Jonah, but we’re doing OK. It’s been a pretty interesting week with Jonah dominating our waking (and sleeping) hours. On Sunday Erin had two students drop by and while Erin was taking a bathroom break, Jonah...

What’s in a name

The why and how of picking Jonah Patrick Davison as a name for our son. Naming our kid wasn’t an easy process. Erin and I waded through lots of alternatives, both brainstorming on our own and reading through baby naming books we borrowed from Carol. We had an...

On fatherhood, part 1

Thoughts flitter and flit their way through the transom of my sleepy mind. When I told people with kids that Erin and I were having a child of our own, they were universally ecstatic. Part of me always thought that behind their broad smile and hearty congratulations...

Sleep, feed, poop, change, repeat

Erin and Ty meet the cycle of life at its most basic courtesy of their 5 day-old. There seem to me to be three distinct parts an infant’s world: Sleeping, feeding, and changing. I’m sure there are additional elements (bathing comes to mind), but at its...