I returned…

Los Altos, California I returned to The Island, the Steeler bar I frequented some three plus years ago. Turns out they’re now a Vikings bar. Losers. So I ended up this morning at Knuckles, a sports bar on El Camino where we watched the Steelers come from behind...

Brian and Debbie

Los Altos, California It took some tricky scheduling, but we were able to meet with our friends Brian and Debbie and their daughter Erin for breakfast this morning. As per usual, our “breakfast” meeting stretched out to about six hours, but that qualifies...

Christmas part 2

Los Altos, California After a very enjoyable Christmas part 2 morning with Mark, Christine, Jared, Joe, Helen, Bernard and Liz, Erin and I visited this Smiths this evening, and, at long last, met Jennie’s beau, the elusive Jon Morton. Jon’s an IT Help Desk...

Great day

We met Bruce downtown at IHOP this morning for an extended visit. His is one of the cases where you wish he was around more often but you know that he’s having such a great time doing what he’s doing (in this case on the east coast) that it’s hard to...


Our friend Bruce is back in Oregon for a Christmas time visit, and today I had the pleasure of bopping around town with him to check out various digital cameras and accessories. The man is so much fun to hang out with that me and everybody who knows him wants to beat...