Window Installation #1

Thanks to Joe, the new window is installed in the bedroom formerly known as Erin’s office, now known only as an unpronounceable symbol. We encountered remarkable success at every turn save one: The sliding pane of the horizontal slider window has a manufacturing...

Finding Nemo

WARNING: This review may contain spoilers! Despite both of us having lots on our respective plates, Erin and I hunkered down last night to watch Finding Nemo, the highest grossing film of 2003 and the highest grossing animated film of all-time. We’d both sort of...

Hide ‘n’ Seek

I had such a miserable day today—lots of fussing and unhappiness—that it was great to end it with my first game of hide ‘n’ seek with Dad. Dad couldn’t tell if I was upset by teething or gas today, and since I wasn’t about to tell him,...

National High Five Day

I’ve been working on my high fives with Dad to the point now where I think I’ve got it down. Since today was National High Five Day, I figured this was a good opportunity to lay some skin on all the homeys who requested it. Of course I still gave out lots...

Everybody’s a critic

Jonah had an enjoyable 30 minutes at lapsit today, followed by another interesting 15 minutes which began with him walking over to the fish tank after I asked him if he wanted to look at the fish. This could be a coincidence, but I don’t think so. If he’s...