Happy Birthday to Me!

I am one year old today. When I reflect on all the change of the past year, I feel very self-satisfied. I mean, what a list it is: I can roll over, sit up, walk, babble, grab things with either hand, pass things from hand to hand, pick up small object between my thumb...


Dave cowboyed up for yesterday’s version of This Old House and we spent about six hours (with a break for lunch) putting up siding on the back of the house. Although the first part of the job went quickly, the second half proved tricky since we had to cut boards...

Window Installation #2

…also known as the “Joe is da man” entry. Once again traveling down I-5 to help me in my time of need (and confusion—I still find parts of the window installation process baffling), Joe showed up with his merry band of saws, hammers, and various...

Take Your Kid to Work Day

Yesterday I got to go with Mom to see her work. It was fun! There were so many people there, and I was so widely admired that I got very excited and only took a 30 minute nap for the whole day! This made me very sleeping come evening, and I went to bed before 8 PM and...

Here we go

I’ve finished moving over every Opinion piece from the old Davison Online into the more aptly named Essays category here. Although a couple clunkers exist in the series, on the whole I’m rather proud of what I’ve written. Forgive me for tooting my...