I don’t know why

I’m having a time of it trying to get all the trim on in the bedrooms. The cutting with the mitre saw is going OK (a corollary to which is that the measuring is also going OK), but getting the trim attached to the walls is proving very difficult. I’m going...

Three good jokes

From the British Association for the Advancement of Science’s Laughlab project: Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them falls down. He doesn’t seem to be breathing, and his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other guy whips out his cell phone...

Together again

After a weekend of remodeling work and a Monday of trying desperately to get this house somewhat clean, I zoomed to PDX to pickup Erin and Jonah this afternoon. Both looking good! Jonah’s more verbal than he was a week ago. Otherwise he seems about the same....

Kudos for the Rose Inn

Vancouver, Washington In a move sure to scandalize the neighborhood, I spent last night at Maria’s in Vancouver rather than make two trips up and down I-5 to Salem. Her place maintains a nice temperature in the face of hot weather (like today’s) and cools...

Amazing Race 5 play-by-play

Spoiler Warning: This show repeats on CBS on Saturday at 8 PM. The following review will spoiler it for you if you’ve not already seen it. We start in Egypt by the Sphinx. Team 1, Colin and Christie, built such a huge lead during the last leg of the race that it...