Our tax dollars at work

I wanted to mention in passing, since I was under the weather and unable to comment fully when it was released, that the USDA’s new Food Pyramid is the worst graphic design I’ve seen since the Kerry/Edwards campaign signs. As wildly off-base as it may have...

Mostly alive

After yet ANOTHER bout of fun with physical ailments, I seem to be (again) almost recovered. I’m not putting any money on it, though. Nonetheless, we had a nice weekend. Pleasant weather plus separate visits from Carlotta and Bret helped keep Jonah entertained...

Better now….or not [updated]

Last week likely ranks last on my list of happy times. Yet all things must pass and it did too, and I’m feeling much better. Grateful thanks to Erin for taking a couple days off, to my dad for watching Jonah at the drop of a hat, and to Dave for medicinal...


As I mentioned last time, I’m on Vicodin again. It proved very helpful last night, but this time around I’m feeling incredibly nauseous and I’ve been unable to sleep for more than about 30 minutes a pop. (It’s 2:26 AM now.) Indeed, I must...

Sick as a dog

I’ve really been rather unwell this 2005, but nothing like this last week. Ever since I flew out of the Bay Area and my decongestant stopped working in flight to Seattle, I’ve had a really miserable time of it. My parents—especially my dad—have...