Here’s to twins

If one kid is a challenge, imagine two. Unlikely though it may seem, we’re not the only ones in our extended family staring at a newborn. Erin’s cousin Adam and his girlfriend had twins just about a month before Jonah was born. Along with the Bernard and...

Several ideas at once

I can’t decide what to write about. I don’t have enough material to make a full-length article out of any particular topic. Bullet points here I come. Thank God the Lillys have been here this week. My illness means I have to stay away from Jonah, meaning...

No time like the present

Historic lows in the home loan market are driving thousands of people to refinance their homes. After a long time on hold, that includes me. When we bought our house in October 1999, we got in at a mortgage interest rate of 7.75%. That wasn’t bad in the grand...

Memorial Day soccer match

Memorial Day A litany of ailments can’t keep me off the pitch or stop me from whining. Sleeping is one way to pass the afternoon and not a bad one when you feel as lousy as I do. The headcold or flu or SARS or whatever the bug is seems to be persisting at a...

A spinning circus of Lillys

Christine goes out, Bernard and Liz come in. Christine, Erin’s sister, has been helping us on the home front since she arrived last Tuesday. Having her here has been a godsend. She’s tackled every household task imaginable (including a few I didn’t...