Yes, I’ve revised the front page again

Yes, I’ve revised the front page again. I was really not completely satisfied with the last incarnation, and the more I thought about AOL’s AIM buttons not working (yet) in Mac OS X, the less I liked them. I might put them back once iChat or AIM URLs work,...

Site notes

I looked back on my notes about the site after Matt sent me an email on the subject, and I noticed that I forgot to mention which browsers are presently supported. So for the record, here they are. For the Mac, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x, Netscape 6, Netscape 7,...

Yeah, OK

Yeah, OK, so I got tired of my web site looking awful in Apple’s Safari web browser. I was going to wait until Safari left beta before mucking with my code, but I’m using Safari full-time, and frankly, I’d recommend it to anyone running Mac OS 10.2....


It’s been six years now since I started Davison Online, and it’s time (or perhaps past due) for a change. When I started this site back in 1997, nobody had heard of weblogs or blogging, and frankly, given non-technical nature many in my readership, it may...

Site update

Thanks to those of you supply feedback on the new Cascading Style Sheet adventure I’ve got going on. At present, it sounds like MSIE 5.x for Mac is virtually the only browser that’s displaying things correctly. I’m hoping to have that problem solved...